Tuesday, March 17, 2020

4 Different Types Of Domestic Solar Water Heater That Are Available

Rather than using electricity, nowadays, more and more people are relying on solar energy. Solar energy certainly makes life somewhat easy, after all. Right now, the most used technology that uses solar power is a solar water heater. Many people are using solar water heater not only for taking hot water showers but also for other domestic purposes. If you are interested in one too, you should first decide which type of domestic solar water heater you want for your home. Read on to find out the different types of domestic solar water heaters.

Thermosiphon Systems

Thermosiphon system has a distinction that it is not needed to connect it with a pump. This system uses an antifreeze liquid such as glycol. It can be used very efficiently only in places with high levels of solar radiation because with the increase in temperature the water movement also increases. This, in turn, increases the amount of heat transfer. The water in the tank rises from collectors to the storage tank.

Direct-Circulation Systems

As the name suggests it directly pumps the water through the collectors to the storage tank. It is highly efficient and has cheaper installation charges than the indirect system. But it is mostly used in areas where the temperature rarely falls below 0 degrees as it uses more energy in order to recirculate the hot water.

Drain-Down Systems

This is an indirect water-heating system where water is circulated through a closed-loop. Solar heat is transferred through a heat exchanger to the water. To avoid freezing in case of unavailability of solar heat, the unused water is drained down.

Air Systems

Another indirect system, in this type of domestic solar water heater, the collectors are used to heat the air. After that, this heated air is moved by a fan to an air-to-water heat exchanger. Although it is not so popular for its efficiency, this type of domestic solar water heater can be used in places where hot water may not be needed much.

Now that you are familiar with all the different types of solar water heaters, choose carefully which one will suit your purposes the best. Consider the availability of space, availability of water quantity, the number of family members in your home, and lastly all the activities you will use it for. After considering these factors and the features of the above mentioned domestic solar water heaters, you can make your purchase.